Tenggat Pendaftaran : 07 Mei 2023 Strengthening Climate Resilience of at-risk Coastal Communities in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) as a Result of Improved Resource Management and Climate-Smart Livelihoods Bina Karta Lestari Foundation (BINTARI) in Semarang, Central Java supported by the Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB) and funded by the Federal
Tenggat pendaftaran : 31 Januari 2023 BINTARI merupakan lembaga swadaya masyarakat nasional bergerak dalam perlindungan lingkungan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Berdiri sejak 1986, BINTARI berupaya menjadi mitra unggul dalam transformasi masyarakat yang berketahanan dan berkelanjutan dengan bekerjasama dengan berbagai pelaku pembangunan baik pemerintah, masyarakat, maupun swasta dan lembaga internasional. Transformasi
Siti Kusbandiyah : Selamanya Perosok Keliling
Mak Siti merupakan salah satu perosok keliling yang bergabung sebagai kolektor untuk aplikasi antar-jemput sampah Ambilin. Ambilin merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh BINTARI dan Program Rethinking Plastics serta The Incubation Network untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat layanan sampah, pengumpulan bahan daur ulang, dan donasi barang bekas di masyarakat serta pelaku daur
Mr. Supardi: “Build Back Better from Flooding through Waste Bank”
Mr. Supardi still remembers when he had an out of town trip at the end of January 2021 and received a call from village about flooding. The call shocked him, “It was uncommon disaster in Songbanyu since the last few years.” When he arrived, He saw how flash flood had
Seedling Mentorship Program to Build Inclusive Climate in Villages
Sulyadi (47 y.o.) commonly called Pak Sul spontaneously accepted the offer to join the seedling mentorship program. Sulyadi was interested to join this program because he wants to learn the seedling activity. He hopes that seedling can be an alternative livelihood as he cannot fully rely on his primary livelihood,
Build a Social Inclusion through Interaction
“When we met a person with-disability, we had a lot of fear that we might say or do something impolite. We felt confused and did not know how to behave. But, after gathering with people with disabilities, I find that indeed we have to make a lot of interactions to