BINTARI is a national non-governmental organization engaged in environmental protection and sustainable development. Founded in 1986, BINTARI strives to be long-term partner in the transformation of a resilient and sustainable society by collaborating with various development actors, including government, community, private sector and international institutions. This transformation is realized through educational programs for sustainable development, waste management, disaster adaptation, coastal area management, watershed management and management of the impacts and cause of climate change.





    BINTARI researches independently or with partners to develop environmental management solutions and innovations. BINTARI also carry out some of the research and consultancies that include climate change vulnerability studies, Green House Gas (GHG) emission inventories, Environmental Quality Index (IKLH), Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS), Gender Studies, Waste Management Planning, and several studies

    Consultant and Trainer

    Consultant and Trainer

    BINTARI provides consultancy and assistance to partners based on knowledge and research results. These services, both technical and non-technical, can be followed by pilot development. These activities include waste management empowerment, coastal ecosystem rehabilitation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, agroforestry and disaster preparedness.

    BINTARI provides training in new knowledge and skills after the research, trial and mentoring stages to ensure that partners can apply the training topics directly. Training includes emissions inventory, environmental monitoring, composting, waste management, coastal rehabilitation, development of natural Batik and many more.

    Testing & Piloting

    Testing dan Piloting

    BINTARI tests the research results through pilot projects collaborating with the community and related stakeholders. During the pilot project, BINTARI provided technical assistance to the community with its expertise in climate change adaptation, urban waste management, climate disaster preparedness, and many more.

    These pilot projects are carried out by mainstreaming aspects and issues of climate change, social inclusion, and gender at every stage of activity. Pilot projects are designed and implemented by a project manager and are encouraged to be replicated in other areas.

    Reflection and Refinement

    Reflection and Refinement

    BINTARI monitors and evaluates the projects implemented to obtain lessons and experiences that will be disseminated. Furthermore, based on the evaluation, the solutions tested through the pilot project are refined and monitored thoroughly for the implementation of future projects.


    Kampanye Mangrove untuk Amankan Ruang Hidup Masyarakat Pesisir

    Mangrove Campaign to Secure The Coastal Communities Living Space

      PEKALONGAN – To secure costal communities living space, BINTARI invites fishermen and shrimp farmers group to increase planting and maintenance of mangroves. The Mangrove planting and maintenance campaign was carried out from 4-9 November 2024 in Wonokerto Kulon, Pecakaran, Semut, Api-Api and Tratebang Villages. A total of 106 participants attended the campaigns representing village officials, fishermen, shrimp farmers, women leaders, and youth groups.

    17 November 2024
    Membangun Ketahanan Pesisir Melalui Pelatihan Budidaya Kepiting Bakau dan Pelestarian Mangrove kepada Nelayan di Warloka Pesisir

    Membangun Ketahanan Pesisir Melalui Pelatihan Budidaya Kepiting Bakau dan Pelestarian Mangrove kepada Nelayan di Warloka Pesisir

      Pada 13-14 November 2024, Program Penguatan Ketahanan Iklim (PEKA IKLIM) menggelar pelatihan Climate Smart Fisheries (Perikanan Cerdas Iklim) di Desa Golo Sepang, Kecamatan Boleng, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat pesisir dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim melalui pengembangan budidaya kepiting bakau dan

    15 November 2024
    Pemantauan Mangrove Dorong Masyarakat Inisiasi Tim Patroli Mandiri

    Mangrove Monitoring Encourages Community to Initiate Patrol Team

      SEMARANG – Dozens of fish pond and mangrove farmers attended the presentation of mangrove monitoring results and monitoring training in Semarang on Thursday (07/11/2024). The death of mangroves after being planted due to natural factors and human disturbances encouraged the community to get involved in monitoring the mangroves. The community showed their interest by forming a mangrove patrol team in each region.  

    14 November 2024
    Training of Trainer (ToT) Agrometeorologi untuk Kelompok PPTPI Desa Repi dalam Meningkatkan Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim

    Training of Trainer (ToT) Agrometeorologi untuk Kelompok PPTPI Desa Repi dalam Meningkatkan Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim

      Desa Repi, yang sebagian besar penduduknya menggantungkan hidup pada sektor pertanian, menghadapi tantangan besar akibat penurunan produktivitas lahan sawah hingga 50% dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Cuaca ekstrem dan serangan hama menjadi faktor utama yang mengancam keberlanjutan hasil pertanian di desa ini. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi masyarakat desa untuk

    6 November 2024
    Kemah Edukasi dan Konservasi Lingkungan Se-Pekalongan Raya: Inisiatif Bersama Mendorong Aksi Nyata Generasi Muda dalam Melindungi Alam

    Kemah Edukasi dan Konservasi Lingkungan Se-Pekalongan Raya: Inisiatif Bersama Mendorong Aksi Nyata Generasi Muda dalam Melindungi Alam

      Pekalongan – Pada 26-27 Oktober 2024 lalu, Pemerintah Desa Pecakaran dan BUMDes Pecakaran, Komunitas Pendaki Nafas Tua (PENAT) didukung oleh Yayasan BINTARI menyelenggarakan Kemah Edukasi dan Konservasi Lingkungan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mendorong kepedulian dan partisipasi generasi muda pecinta alam, dari berbagai komunitas, pelajar dan mahasiswa se-Pekalongan Raya untuk

    2 November 2024
    Berbekal Pelatihan Homestay & Hospitality, Pokdarwis Desa Repi dan Warloka Pesisir Semakin Siap  Meningkatkan Pariwisata di Manggarai Barat

    Berbekal Pelatihan Homestay & Hospitality, Pokdarwis Desa Repi dan Warloka Pesisir Semakin Siap Meningkatkan Pariwisata di Manggarai Barat

      Manggarai Barat, NTT — Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas layanan wisata berbasis masyarakat, Program Penguatan Ketahanan Iklim (PEKA IKLIM), yang diinisiasi oleh Yayasan Bintari dan bekerja sama dengan ASB South and South-East Asia, kembali menyelenggarakan pelatihan untuk mendukung pariwisata berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat. Kali ini, pelatihan tentang Homestay dan

    2 November 2024