BINTARI is a national non-governmental organization engaged in environmental protection and sustainable development. Founded in 1986, BINTARI strives to be long-term partner in the transformation of a resilient and sustainable society by collaborating with various development actors, including government, community, private sector and international institutions. This transformation is realized through educational programs for sustainable development, waste management, disaster adaptation, coastal area management, watershed management and management of the impacts and cause of climate change.





    BINTARI researches independently or with partners to develop environmental management solutions and innovations. BINTARI also carry out some of the research and consultancies that include climate change vulnerability studies, Green House Gas (GHG) emission inventories, Environmental Quality Index (IKLH), Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS), Gender Studies, Waste Management Planning, and several studies

    Consultant and Trainer

    Consultant and Trainer

    BINTARI provides consultancy and assistance to partners based on knowledge and research results. These services, both technical and non-technical, can be followed by pilot development. These activities include waste management empowerment, coastal ecosystem rehabilitation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, agroforestry and disaster preparedness.

    BINTARI provides training in new knowledge and skills after the research, trial and mentoring stages to ensure that partners can apply the training topics directly. Training includes emissions inventory, environmental monitoring, composting, waste management, coastal rehabilitation, development of natural Batik and many more.

    Testing & Piloting

    Testing dan Piloting

    BINTARI tests the research results through pilot projects collaborating with the community and related stakeholders. During the pilot project, BINTARI provided technical assistance to the community with its expertise in climate change adaptation, urban waste management, climate disaster preparedness, and many more.

    These pilot projects are carried out by mainstreaming aspects and issues of climate change, social inclusion, and gender at every stage of activity. Pilot projects are designed and implemented by a project manager and are encouraged to be replicated in other areas.

    Reflection and Refinement

    Reflection and Refinement

    BINTARI monitors and evaluates the projects implemented to obtain lessons and experiences that will be disseminated. Furthermore, based on the evaluation, the solutions tested through the pilot project are refined and monitored thoroughly for the implementation of future projects.


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    Bank Sampah Warloka Pesisir Siap Jaga Lingkungan dari Sampah

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    Lebih dari 90% Mangrove Tumbuh Baik di Warloka Pesisir: Monitoring dan Evaluasi Penanaman Mangrove Program Peka Iklim

    Lebih dari 90% Mangrove Tumbuh Baik di Warloka Pesisir: Monitoring dan Evaluasi Penanaman Mangrove Program Peka Iklim

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    19 July 2024
    Jaga Mangrove, BINTARI Latih Olah Gerak Perahu Untuk Komunitas

    Jaga Mangrove, BINTARI Latih Olah Gerak Perahu Untuk Komunitas

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    10 June 2024
    KTD Karya Mandiri Merintis Layanan Wisata Edukasi Adaptasi Iklim Inklusif

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    6 June 2024
    Pemdes Gondoriyo Gandeng Coca-Cola Bersihkan Sungai

    Gondoriyo Village Government Collaborates with Coca-Cola to Clean the River

    Ungaran – Gondoriyo Village Government, Semarang Regency and Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Semarang commemorated Environment Day 2024 by carrying out a river clean-up and waste management discussion on Sunday (2/6/2024). This activity aims to increase public awareness and trigger waste management improvements.

    4 June 2024
    Tutup Program CCBO: Pemerintah Kota Semarang terus mendorong pengelolaan sampah yang berkelanjutan

    Tutup Program CCBO: Pemerintah Kota Semarang terus mendorong pengelolaan sampah yang berkelanjutan

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    22 May 2024