West Manggarai Regional Secretary Receives a Visit from the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Team Together with Local Working Partners Bina Karta Lestari Foundation (BINTARI)

The Regional Secretary of West Manggarai Regency, Fransiskus S. Sodo, accompanied by the Head of the Local Development Planning Agency of West Manggarai, was pleased to receive a visit from the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) team together with local work partner the BINTARI, (22/11).


The purpose of this visit is to provide a report of the latest developments in the implementation of the project to strengthen the climate resilience of coastal communities at risk in East Nusa Tenggara through resource management and climate-friendly livelihoods which are taking place in 2 locus villages, namely Repi Village and Warloka Pesisir Village. Apart from that, this visit also discussed projections for the future development of West Manggarai, and the challenges that project would face.


In his remarks, the Regional Secretary expressed his great appreciation to ASB and BINTARI, who have helped the regional government by implementing this excellent program. He hoped that this program would improve community welfare, especially in the two villages.


The ASB team carried out the visit, are Martin Kuntsman (the Asia coordinator of ASB Germany), Chrysant Lily Kusumowardoyo (country director of ASB Indonesia and the Philippines), and Agnes Patongloan (program implementation manager of ASB Indonesia and the Philippines), and Alexis Casey. BINTARI accompanied the visit, are David Purmiasa (project coordinator of the PEKA IKLIM Project) and Deisy Nathalia (field and district officer of the PEKA IKLIM Project).


Sumber : BAPPEDA Kabupaten Manggarai Barat (https://bappeda.manggaraibaratkab.go.id/baca-berita-232-sekretaris-daerah-manggarai-barat-terima-kunjungan-tim-arbeitersamariterbund-asb-bersama-mitra-kerja.html)

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