Bina Karta Lestari Foundation (BINTARI) and PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur carried out the second phase of monitoring evaluation on the Indofood Waste Initiative (IWI) on December 7th, 2023, at the Grhatama Pustaka Building Yogyakarta.
A year after the IWI project, 11 Waste Banks participated in managing the waste of 28 Indomie Food Stalls (Warmindo) in the Umbulharjo Kemantren area. Two Waste Banks that actively manage waste from Warmindos are the Masdarling Waste Bank and the Apel 5 Waste Bank.

The project focuses on increasing the capacity, encouraging Waste Bank to handle the waste (especially noodle packaging), and raising awareness of Warmindo on waste management. The project will contribute to reducing inorganic waste so that it does not end up in landfill.
In this discussion, BINTARI and PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur appreciated Warmindo and the Waste Bank for actively participating in the project. The project monitors and evaluates through four assessments: 1) Consistency of monthly waste deposit to the Waste Bank, 2) Waste volume, 3) Type of sorting, and 4) Mechanism for deposits to the Waste Bank. The project appreciates the Apel 5 Waste Bank, the Masdarling Muja Muju Waste Bank, the Berkah Mandiri Sorosutan Waste Bank, and the Giwang Bersih 12 Giwangan Waste Bank. In addition, the project gives appreciation to several Warmindo which are Warmindo Parahyangan Tahunan, Warmindo Raja Rasa 24 Warungboto, Warmindo Sundawa 2 Tahunan, Warmindo Doa Ibu Muja Muju, Warmindo Citra Panghegar Warungboto, Warmindo Putra Sunda Giwangan, and Warmindo Putra Sunda Sorosutan.This appreciation aims to increase the motivation of the Waste Banks and Warmindo and encourage other Warmindo to start managing their waste and participate in waste management at the Waste Bank

As disclosed by Kang Rosyid, one of the owners of Warmindo, "Sorting waste requires effort and self-awareness. Our Warmindo delivers waste to the Waste Bank even though the location is very far away," he said.
Nunung, the owner of Warmindo Parahyangan, also expresses, "We, as non-natives of Yogyakarta, should be obliged to the regulations in Yogyakarta". She revealed that several Warmindo owners in her area also participated in the IWI program because they adhered to a correct waste management system while adhering to the proverb when in Rome, do as the Romans do (Bahasa: di mana bumi diinjak di situ langit dijunjung).

Through this activity, the project expected that the Bintari Foundation and PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur would be able to encourage and invite other Warmindo in Yogyakarta to sort inorganic waste, especially noodle packaging to be managed with the principle of circular economy. In this way, waste that initially has no selling value can be recycled through Waste Banks as an intermediary and then be processed in a recycling factory.