Monitoring and Evaluation of the Indofood Waste Initiative (IWI) Project in Yogyakarta

Bina Karta Lestari Foundation (BINTARI) and PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur carried out the second phase of monitoring evaluation on the Indofood Waste Initiative (IWI) on December 7th, 2023, at the Grhatama Pustaka Building Yogyakarta. A year after the IWI project, 11 Waste Banks participated in managing the waste of 28 Indomie Food Stalls (Warmindo) in the Umbulharjo Kemantren area.

Green Warmindo Waste Sorting Program to Raise Sorting Awareness in Semarang City

The BINTARI Foundation, in collaboration with PT Indofood Sukses Makmur (Indofood), carried out Phase 3 of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Green Warmindo Semarang Program on November 30th, 2023. The activity at Warung Makan Indomie (Warmindo) was attended by 38 Warmindo managers in the Tembalang Cluster and 27 Warmindo managers in the Gunungpati Cluster.

Five Fish Farmer Groups Participate in Sustainable Fisheries Training to Adapt Climate Change

Pekalongan- Climate change is getting worse impacting the fishermen and fish farmers in Wonokerto District, Pekalongan Regency. Sea level rise is increasing at the peak of the high tide season and the recent dry season is getting longer. Many fish ponds are affected: submerged ponds, high salinity water, and stressed fish. To anticipate further impacts, groups of fish farmers and fishermen from five villages (Pecakaran, Api-Api, Tratebang, Semut, and Wonokerto Kulon) took part in training on sustainable aquaculture as an adaptation to climate change.

Closing Events of DOW Indonesia x BINTARI Project: Integration of Waste Bank and TPS 3R as the Backbones for City Waste Recycling

Semarang – BINTARI Foundation in collaboration with PT DOW Indonesia is implementing a waste management improvement program through the integration of governance and waste processing of Waste Bank (Bank Sampah) and TPS 3R in Semarang City. “Waste management is a complex matter, it is not merely an issue faced in Indonesia, but also in the world. Therefore, DOW hopes to contribute to sustainable waste management practices through collaboration with BINTARI,"

Kolaborasi Multipihak, Bintari bersama WRI dan Traveloka mengadakan FGD tentang Restorasi mangrove dan Perikanan Berkelanjutan

Semarang- BINTARI bersama World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia dan Traveloka mengadakan kegiatan Focus Group Discussion dengan tema  “Restorasi Mangrove dan Perikanan Berkelanjutan” pada 15 Oktober 2023 di Hotel Dafam Semarang. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 40 peserta yang terdiri dari Kelompok Mangrove Lestari Semarang, Pokmas Pemberdayaan Penghijauan Serumpun Mangrove Tumbuh, Kelompok