KTD Karya Mandiri Merintis Layanan Wisata Edukasi Adaptasi Iklim Inklusif

Magelang – Kelompok Tani Disabilitas (KTD) Karya Mandiri dari Desa Sriwedari Kabupaten Magelang menerima kunjungan dan memberikan layanan wisata edukasi adaptasi iklim inklusif kepada Tim World Bank pada Jumat, 31 Mei 2024. “Kegiatan ini berhubungan dengan kegiatan kami waktu menghadiri FGD di Jakarta terkait Upaya Mitigasi Dampak Perubahan Iklim sebagai

Gondoriyo Village Government Collaborates with Coca-Cola to Clean the River

Ungaran – Gondoriyo Village Government, Semarang Regency and Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Semarang commemorated Environment Day 2024 by carrying out a river clean-up and waste management discussion on Sunday (2/6/2024). This activity aims to increase public awareness and trigger waste management improvements.

Commemorating HARDIKAL, TNI AL Plants 10,000 Mangroves

  Pekalongan – In commemoration of the 78th Indonesian Navy Education Day (Hardikal), TNI AL Tegal Base together with BINTARI carried out Mangrove planting on the coast of Wonokerto, Pekalongan Regency, Friday, 17 May 2024. The activity began with a speech from the Commander of TNI AL Tegal Base and was opened by the Head of Central Java Environmental and Forestry Agency, Pekalongan Branch Office, Mr. Gunawan, S.Hut., M.Eng

Protecting the Climate, BINTARI Invites Manggarai Children to Plant Trees

  Labuan Bajo – Climate change has made the West Manggarai region, NTT drier than before. Mitigation and adaptation efforts need to be carried out and introduced to the community to increase the community's capacity and resilience in facing the impacts of climate change. Farmers, fishermen, indigenous peoples, women, and children can learn together about the environment and make efforts to protect the environment and their future from the impacts of climate change